Mushroom Hunting: Success!

With the warm weather we've been having, I thought I'd head back to my secret spot and see if the Morels are up yet.

I noticed some fresh growth already. I think these are Diamond Polypores.

A few minutes later, I spotted this. My first Morel of the season!

It was under this dead Elm. When you spot one, slow down and look around carefully, there are usually more nearby.

Sure enough, there were three more a few feet away.

Inky Caps, which are edible.

Some young Dryad's Saddle, sometimes called Pheasant Backs. These are a little too small so I'll let them grow a bit more. They have a delicious meat-like taste.

Another lone Morel spotted on the way out.

Only five today, but the season is just starting here in Minnesota. I'll be back here in a few days, and the Morels should be exploding! Stay tuned...