Early Season Mushroom Hunting
Everyone has their own theories on when the Morels will start popping up here in Minnesota. Some say when the lilacs start blooming, others say when the wrens start building their nests. We've had plenty of rain, and a few warm days, so I thought I'd head south of the cities and do some scouting. I was primarily looking for Morels, but I kept my eyes open for others as well. Here's a few photos from my day.
I threw my gear in the truck...
...And headed south.
My secret spot. I found tons of Morels, Oyster mushrooms, and Dryad's Saddle here last year.
Some leftovers from last year.
Mixed polypores of some kind.
The oddly named Jew's Ear mushroom, which is edible.
I focused on the ground surrounding dead standing Elms with the bark just starting to peel off.
This guy gave me a startle.
A deer jawbone. I wonder if the coyotes got him.
More leftovers growing from a cottonwood log.
Devil's Urn, which is supposedly edible.
Another leftover, it looks almost like a Chanterelle.
A quick lunch, noodles with dandelion greens and maple twig chopsticks.
Taking one last look around..
Still a great day
Well, no Morels this time. A few more warm days and they should be popping up. But I did find a lot of cool things and it was a great day to be out. Thanks for coming along and be sure to check back often, the shrooms should be here any day now!