Two Years Ago Today: August
In keeping with the last, “year ago today” post, here is another trip to the Northwoods that I thought you might be interested in. This was from August of 2016. Enjoy.
Warm and windy.
Practicing some curls with the Mora.
And the Gerber.
My 'spoon' carved in about 5 minutes.
Ugly but functional.
A quick snack.
The last of the bunchberries.
Medicinal yarrow.
Horsehoof fungus, good for both a fire tinder and coal extender. One this size will burn for several hours.
Birch polypore, also medicinal. It contains antiseptics and can be used as a wound dressing.
Coral fungus is edible, but I left this one alone.
A rather ugly lobster mushroom. They actually do taste like lobster.
A bear tore this stump apart looking for insect larvae.
Another beautiful late summer day. Thanks for looking.