Two Years Ago Today: August

Two Years Ago Today: August

In keeping with the last, “year ago today” post, here is another trip to the Northwoods that I thought you might be interested in. This was from August of 2016. Enjoy.

Warm and windy.

Warm and windy.

Practicing some curls with the Mora.

Practicing some curls with the Mora.

And the Gerber.

And the Gerber.

My 'spoon' carved in about 5 minutes.

My 'spoon' carved in about 5 minutes.

Ugly but functional.

Ugly but functional.

A quick snack.

A quick snack.

The last of the bunchberries.

The last of the bunchberries.

Medicinal yarrow.

Medicinal yarrow.

Horsehoof fungus, good for both a fire tinder and coal extender. One this size will burn for several hours.

Horsehoof fungus, good for both a fire tinder and coal extender. One this size will burn for several hours.

Birch polypore, also medicinal. It contains antiseptics and can be used as a wound dressing.

Birch polypore, also medicinal. It contains antiseptics and can be used as a wound dressing.

Coral fungus is edible, but I left this one alone.

Coral fungus is edible, but I left this one alone.

A rather ugly lobster mushroom. They actually do taste like lobster.

A rather ugly lobster mushroom. They actually do taste like lobster.

A bear tore this stump apart looking for insect larvae.

A bear tore this stump apart looking for insect larvae.

Another beautiful late summer day. Thanks for looking.

Another beautiful late summer day. Thanks for looking.