Mushroom Hunting: Best Haul Yet

Mushroom Hunting: Best Haul Yet

If you couldn't tell already, I REALLY like mushroom hunting. This latest hunt was at my local spot, only a few blocks from my home. The weather has been perfect, with lots of rain following a period of warmth. I was expecting to find a lot of Morels..

Immediately upon entering the woods, I was surrounded by CLUMPS of Morels. I've never seen them growing so densely.

I started filling my basket..

The basket was getting so full, I actually started leaving the smaller ones and only took the biggest ones.

The largest one.

45 in total. This was my best hunt so far this year, and it was in a small park in the middle of the city of all places. Sometimes you don't have to go very far to hit a jackpot like this. They're still coming up, go have a look yourself!